Merchant Navy is the backbone of international trade, carrying cargo all over the world. The merchant ships employ a huge number of workers to carry and deliver goods from one country to another. Without the merchant navy, much of the import-export business would come to a grinding halt. A career in the merchant navy is considered a glamorous job, especially by the people who have been bitten by the travel bug. It offers an opportunity to visit new and exotic places all around the globe. Merchant Navy career is not only monetarily rewarding but also satisfying and a quite challenging. Merchant navy is a unique blend of variety encompassed in a single domain. By opting for a merchant navy career, individuals can combine a lot of different facets and gain a lot of exposure which would be difficult to gain otherwise. Merchant Navy is the perfect choice for the candidates who are looking forward to living a life full of pride and honour. People who can do justice to their endearment for travelling, expeditions and adventure are best suited for this curriculum. By Merchant Navy we understand it to be fleet of non-combatant ships which is concerned with freightage of cargos and passengers that can only be sailed through sea around the nation or internationally. To clarify the above merchant navy need not be confused with Indian Navy as the field includes carrying of passenger ships, cargo ships, tankers, bulk carrier ships, container ships and barge carrying ships that includes roll on and roll off of ships. As the nation has paved its way to the list of fastest growth economy and due to increasing demands Merchant navy offers countless jobs in Indian as well as foreign sea. Merchant Navy being the only reasonable source of International trade 90% of the international transactions is through sea. Without Merchant Navy our progress and trade is at stake.
Merchant Navy announces with all the pride held on the shoulders complete set of opportunities to make a successful career in the sea water. The merchant navy offers extremely high payment scales, even for fresh entrants in the profession. The career calls for adventure and enthusiasm for the rest of the life while travelling places. It may sound difficult initially to stay away from your family but it is worth the risk. The life is filled with honour and the career is most rewarding one. While leading a disciplined life on board you explore your inner self and enjoy the sophisticated mode of living. There is really nothing to compare with a life at sea. The disadvantage of joining the Merchant Navy is only long periods of time away from friends and family which compensated by rich rewards of facilities and excellent remunerations. Life on board ship can be very cosmopolitan, with many different nationalities of seafarer working together. Taking into consideration all the advantages and disadvantages, this career is not for everyone. Seafarers face a hard life, living in harsh conditions and spending months and months away from their families. They spend much of their lives at sea. Conditions on a ship can be cramped, noisy and dangerous and yet they go, because of exceptional earning potential and the opportunity to see the world.